Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Choose This Day...

I was thinking about all of the things that can corrupt my day and rob me of my time ... that precious commodity that we can never get back once it's lost.  It's just like a fruit broker. His entire life is about managing fruit ... fruit that unless moved to market in a timely manner will spoil and rot and have absolutely no value.  Well, that's what can happen to my time if I'm not careful and the thought popped into my head about who or what I am serving that's eating up that precious time.  Am I focused on my spiritual growth and my good health, or am I focused on those things that have absolutely no value to the quality of my life?  Interesting question isn't it?  How much time will I sit in front of a TV screen just watching mindless entertainment or how much time will I spend in God's Word drawing closer to Him which then gives me the strength to face each of my daily challenges!  Choose this day ... whom or what I will serve ... Every day is a choice to do what's right.  I can either choose to focus on living a healthier life both physically and spiritually, or I can continue to just pass from one day to the next not knowing where my life is going.  Is that what I want?  Absolutely not!  Choose this day ... Yes, I choose to follow Jesus, my Lord and Savior and I choose to ask Him to give me the strength TODAY to face each new challenge that comes my way.  Joshua 24:15 reminds me that I must choose whom I will serve today ... As for me and my house ... we WILL serve the Lord!  I think I better go work out!!!