Friday, February 24, 2012

What Are We Doing?

I had an interesting experience at the YMCA a couple of days ago that has bugged me ever since!  A man that I know somewhat saw me and asked me where I had been as he hadn't seen me in awhile and I explained that I usually swam in the afternoon ... this happened to be an early morning visit ... way too early ... LOL.  In any case, I was amazed at how quickly the conversation turned to Kenosha First Assembly and all that the church isn't doing.  It really upset me and I interrupted the guy and told him that I was sick and tired of hearing all the negative crap that people had to say about church.  Doesn't the Bible tell us that we are to pray for our leaders?  Are we not supposed to pray for those in authority over us?  When things don't go the way we think they should go do we just get up and leave?  What kind of people have we become?  I see WE because in the past I have been just as guilty.  Negative comments and complaining is like a nasty cancer that just spreads all over and does absolutely no good.  You see, I think we forget that our pastors are accountable to the Lord for their choices and actions which include Sunday morning services.  Who are we to tell them how the morning services should be run?  Sure, there are things that have made me sad and certainly there are things I miss so much such as our musicals but I'm not a part of the leadership team.  Being a pastor or leader comes with incredible responsibility to make wise choices that will honor the Lord and win souls to  Christ.  What our leadership team needs more than anything else is a body of believers to have their backs and to hold them up in prayer ... asking that the Holy Spirit guide their every step.  That's our responsibility.

I say all this because I'm mainly talking to myself.  I will not engage in any more church bashing or negative comments about our church or  our leadership team ... I'm just going to walk away.  I love our church and  I'm going to make it a priority, with the Lord's help, to remember to pray every day that the fountainhead of blessing never runs dry ... and even though I'm just one person ... it only takes a spark to get a fire going!  I'm ready for revival ... and that revival starts in me!

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