Saturday, February 27, 2010

Some is Better then None!

As I woke up this morning, I couldn't believe how sore my body was feeling ... and still is ... Certainly the extra pounds that I have put on lately have added to my misery but it has been frustrating hurting so much. I didn't swim yesterday because I felt that I just needed to rest my body and honestly, I wasn't going swim today either but my precious wife Patty encouraged me to fight through the pain ... and not to give in to the temptation to take another day off.

My day was busy today and I almost wonderred if I would even make it to our local YMCA where they have just recently opened a beautiful 25 yard pool with 8 swim lanes. But I was able to go for an hour and as I was swimming the thought came to me that some is better then none. Of course I'm referring to exercise and not food this time ... :) I wasn't able to get in as much swimming as I would have liked but I did manage 3/4 of a mile so I was happy with that considering my time constraint. What's my point? We do have to fight through the pain some days, even it it's for a shorter workout. Every pound I lose from this frame of mine will make my body feel better and better. Now it's time to go rest this body of mine and get ready for a new day that the Lord is making for me! I wonder what it will hold?

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