Monday, February 22, 2010

It's Never Too Late

It's hard to believe that so many months have gone by since I last posted on my blog! I had so many good intentions of writing about my journey to California but not even one post made it.

Although I had an amazing trip, and learned so much about myself, I did not do well with my weight once I got home. There's really no excuse for this other than I was very busy and didn't do well at balancing my life. But the Lord continues to show me so many things about myself and I refuse to give up. Our new pool has opened at the YMCA and I absolute love it. I was back in today and had an amazing swim.

So with God's help, I'm back at it doing what I know how to do. I know that if I continue to do my part, then He will give me the strength to keep on fighting.

It's never too late to start living a healthier lifestyle and my prayer is that I can just take today and live it well! I don't need to worry about tomorrow, or next week or next month because the Lord has that covered. I just need to focus on today and do my best to live it well.

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